Politico News

The Week… local elections could hold a surprise – POLITICO

Two of Westminster’s most connected journalists, Sky News’ Sam Coates and Politico’s Jack Blanchard, walk you through their top predictions for the next seven days on British politics.

Local and council elections are heading our way, with Westminster set to suffer the consequences. But don’t expect Rishi Sunak to announce the general election date any time soon, despite rumors that some MPs are jockeying – find out why in this episode.

Furthermore, how will Labor use their predicted successes? And where will the other parties fall?

Heading north, Holyrood is also set for an explosive week, with votes of no confidence in Prime Minister Humza Yousaf and the Scottish Government itself.

Jack and Sam look at how those votes could play out this week and why former SNP leadership candidate turned Alba MP Ash Regan holds all the power.

They also discuss Deputy Foreign Minister Andrew Mitchell’s big week and why Monday could raise a major hot topic in the House of Commons.

Send an email with your thoughts and rate how their predictions pan out: (email protected).


Sara Adm

Aimant les mots, Sara Smith a commencé à écrire dès son plus jeune âge. En tant qu'éditeur en chef de son journal scolaire, il met en valeur ses compétences en racontant des récits impactants. Smith a ensuite étudié le journalisme à l'université Columbia, où il est diplômé en tête de sa classe. Après avoir étudié au New York Times, Sara décroche un poste de journaliste de nouvelles. Depuis dix ans, il a couvert des événements majeurs tels que les élections présidentielles et les catastrophes naturelles. Il a été acclamé pour sa capacité à créer des récits captivants qui capturent l'expérience humaine.
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