
The Final Shape Debuts New Subclass, Enemy Faction

The Last of Bungie Destiny 2 showcase was a great success for its future expansion, The final form. Although the studio has remained relatively silent on this expansion, which will close the ten-year story that the studio has been telling since the first Fate Launched in September 2014, it finally revealed some of its potential, including a new subclass, an enemy faction, and an exciting new class item that threatens to unlock the potential of construct creation in Destiny 2.

Break the game

The first to stand, Bungie led the showcase with the introduction of the new subclass, which it calls Prismatic. Instead of focusing on one element like previous Light and Dark subclasses did, Prismatic is better thought of as Destiny 2The answer to multiclassing. Players will now be able to use aspects of both subclass archetypes simultaneously and it looks fucking crazy, man. It’s the kind of thing that players have dreamed of, but couldn’t be implemented because it would throw the entire game into chaos (or so some thought). Well, Bungie is moving forward anyway, and it looks dynamic and chaotic as hell.

In the anecdotes provided by Bungie staff during the presentation, the builds look absolutely destroyed. A team member talked about slowing down enemies with a Stasis Grenade, throwing a shuriken into the group to thin their numbers, then throwing another Solar Grenade that you can fire to detonate to clean up. Another combination was releasing Strand hatchlings, which function as a pet that chases enemies, while simultaneously launching a Stasis Turret to effectively become a crowd control machine.

Destiny 2: Gameplay preview from developer Final Shape

When using the Prismatic subclass, players will see two gauges above their weapons and abilities that represent both Light and Dark. As you deal damage with Light or Dark abilities, the gauges fill up, allowing players to enter “transcendence” when both are maxed out. Transcendence effectively functions as a second super ability that buffs the player. Although transcendent, each class will gain a new type of grenade combining two different subclasses, such as a Stasis/Void hybrid grenade for Warlock or a Strand/Arc grenade for Titans.

Using Transcendence will also restore players’ grenade and melee abilities, which are usually on cooldown, meaning players can effectively chain the use of both into a Transcendence and then deploy them again to inflict massive damage. Speaking of which, Transcendence also grants damage bonuses that stack on top of what players might get from other class abilities or existing weapon perks.

The developers described Prismatic as an “advanced subclass where you have more build creation options, more potential combinations, more fragments than you normally get, more socketed fragment slots than you wouldn’t normally have any,” and it shows.

The final form will also introduce a new Exotic class item that steals the benefits of other Exotic gear and combines them into one super powerful item. This includes benefits for exotic gear that was previously class-specific, meaning Titans will be able to steal abilities that were previously exclusive to Warlocks and vice-versa. The class item’s exotic perks will be randomized, but Bungie hopes that the ability to combine them with stolen perks will inspire players to seek out exotic perks as well as gear in order to create game-changing ability combinations. One developer said: “We want it to look a little broken. »

A horrible new enemy

In the middle of last year Fall of light In this expansion, Bungie introduced a nightmarish enemy type called Tormentors that functioned as mini-bosses throughout the campaign, and it built on that idea by adding an entire enemy faction inspired by them and the Witness, the big bad at the center of Destiny 2. This new enemy faction is called the Dread and they are abominations. I can’t wait to fight them. Among their ranks are a winged “gunbat” called Grim, who can remove players’ abilities with a shout, and acrobatic “melee bruisers” called Husks. Killing Husks “the wrong way” will cause something the team calls a Geist to come out of them and pursue the players.

Two other enemy types, called Attendants and Weavers, will be able to use the Stasis and Strand abilities on the player, respectively. The Weaver in particular will be able to attract players from all over the arena, which is one of the first among the new enemy faction. It’s been a while since Destiny 2 has received a whole new enemy type, so it’s really exciting to see Bungie take on a faction that isn’t some sort of reskin of an existing faction.

Overall, a lot of what Bungie showed today is the kind of shitty things I’ve wanted the game for a long time. It’s also the kind of content you can only create when you’re nearing the finish line and want to throw everything you can at the wall. Destiny 2 It often feels like a grand fantasy weighed down by the reality of having to be a game that needs to be balanced to be fun for everyone. All the chaos on display today goes against that need for balance, but it also looks like it’s going to make for an exciting final chapter before Destiny 2 enters another phase of his life. Associated with the release of In the light Today, Destiny 2 finally does what he should have done a long time ago: step on the gas and refuse to look back.

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