Politico News

Serbia shaken by UN resolution on Srebrenica massacre – POLITICO

However, according to Todorović, the vehemence of Serbian opposition to the resolution has more complex roots than a simple nationalist dig. Belgrade, she explained, wants to increase its international influence by appearing to talk with its neighbors and then quickly defuse disputes, thereby building a reputation as a force for stability and a major regional player.

“This is the foreign policy that Serbia chose for itself, especially after launching the full-scale invasion of Ukraine,” Todorović continued. “He wants to be relevant in the world by provoking tensions and then accepting praise from the international community once those are resolved. »

Genocide judged

The Bosnian War of 1992 to 1995 was the bloody aftermath of the dissolution of socialist Yugoslavia and included the four-year siege of its capital, Sarajevo, considered the longest modern war siege.

The conflict occurred at a time of relative stability and euphoria in the rest of Europe, where former communist states were rejoicing in their new democratic rights and independence.

As such, the severity of the Yugoslav conflict attracted particular attention and the crimes that accompanied it gave rise to the creation of a special tribunal, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, or ICTY.

The tribunal aimed to show that a newly reunified Europe and a more collaborative post-Cold War world could combat war crimes in a manner consistent with Western legal traditions and the highest standards of proof.


Sara Adm

Aimant les mots, Sara Smith a commencé à écrire dès son plus jeune âge. En tant qu'éditeur en chef de son journal scolaire, il met en valeur ses compétences en racontant des récits impactants. Smith a ensuite étudié le journalisme à l'université Columbia, où il est diplômé en tête de sa classe. Après avoir étudié au New York Times, Sara décroche un poste de journaliste de nouvelles. Depuis dix ans, il a couvert des événements majeurs tels que les élections présidentielles et les catastrophes naturelles. Il a été acclamé pour sa capacité à créer des récits captivants qui capturent l'expérience humaine.
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