
Ryan Gosling Reveals Moment in ‘La La Land’ That Still ‘Haunts’ Him

Ryan Gosling revealed a moment in 2016 The The Earth it still “haunts” him today.

In an interview for WSJ MagazineIn the video series “The One”, the actor admitted that if he could, he would reprise the film’s dance sequence with co-star Emma Stone that was featured on the film’s promotional poster. As for his reason, it was because of what he described as his “La La Hand”.

“There’s a moment that haunts me where Emma and I are dancing. I didn’t know it would become the poster for the film,” The guy who falls just in time » said the actor before heaving a long sigh. “But I thought we were supposed to put our hands up and I thought it would be cool to put my hand up like that,” referring to his wrist angled downward in relation to Stone’s hand, as seen in the photo above.

Gosling noted that “even though everyone told me it wasn’t cool,” he disagreed at the time – a decision he regretted years later.

“Now when I look at it – and I have to see it all the time – you know what would have been cooler than that?” THE barbie asked the star, raising her hand in a similar position as the poster. “That,” he replied, pointing his wrist upwards, to resemble Stone’s.

“It just killed the energy that way,” Gosling joked. “It was kind of like what was this all leading to? Just like a sloth… I call him “La La Hand”.

He was then asked if his dance training helped prepare him for the role of Sébastien in the film written and directed by Damien Chazelle.

“I thought it would help The The Earth and then, of course, Gosling is handing burgers here,” the actor said. “In the end, it didn’t help me at all.”

Gosling ultimately landed a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his performance in the film. The The Earth won six Oscars in total that year.

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