
Roberto Orci accused of beating and sexually assaulting his wife

Roberto Orci, a screenwriter for the “Star Trek” and “Transformers” franchises, was charged in a trial Monday with repeatedly beating and sexually assaulting his wife.

Adele Heather Taylor, an actress who starred in “The Blacklist,” “Hail, Caesar!” and more, claims in her lawsuit that Orci was bipolar, an alcoholic and prone to violent temper tantrums. She claims he called her “slut,” “whore,” dragged her around the house and beat her, leaving bruises all over her body.

In May 2022, she claims Orci chased her into the garden, pinned her to the ground and threatened to rape her. The following month, she claims he sexually assaulted her in the garden, telling her: “You like being raped.”

She also claims Orci called the police in April 2020 after she tried to defend herself against him, and she was arrested for domestic violence. He released her on bail, according to the complaint.

Taylor left Orci after another assault in December 2022, according to the complaint. In that case, Taylor recorded audio of Orci threatening to beat her and throw her out the front door, and bragging that if she called the police, she wouldn’t be believed because she had already been arrested.

“You got nothing on me, baby,” he said in the recording, according to the complainant. “I can do whatever I want.”

Following the incident, he filed a restraining order against her and filed for divorce. Orci’s attorney, Daniel Paluch, disputed the allegations.

“My client denies the allegations and looks forward to litigating the matter in the appropriate forum, which is the court,” he said by email.

In June, Orci sued Taylor, accusing her of repeatedly assaulting him, including that she shot him with a Taser and pepper-sprayed him.

Orci acknowledged in his complaint that he had a long-standing struggle with alcoholism, had been hospitalized numerous times in recent years for related issues and had undergone multiple stints in rehab.

In her trial, Taylor was accused of taking advantage of his weakened state and manipulating him into giving her money and property.

Taylor’s counter-complaint is a response to Orci’s. In it, she claims that she and Orci agreed to place most of their assets in a family trust, which would be divided equally. She alleges that Orci has since reneged on the agreement and refused to provide financial support.


With a penchant for words, Eleon Smith began writing at an early age. As editor-in-chief of his high school newspaper, he honed his skills telling impactful stories. Smith went on to study journalism at Columbia University, where he graduated top of his class. After interning at the New York Times, Smith landed a role as a news writer. Over the past decade, he has covered major events like presidential elections and natural disasters. His ability to craft compelling narratives that capture the human experience has earned him acclaim. Though writing is his passion, Eleon also enjoys hiking, cooking and reading historical fiction in his free time. With an eye for detail and knack for storytelling, he continues making his mark at the forefront of journalism.
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