Metals expected to end the week higher despite mixed demand signals and a strong dollar
Metals expected to end the week higher despite mixed demand signals and a strong dollar
Updated October 27, 2023 at 4:06 a.m. ET
07:31 GMT – Metals prices are expected to finish the week higher, despite mixed demand signals from Asia and a strong dollar acting as headwinds. Three-month copper is up 0.6% at $8,035 a tonne, while aluminum is up 0.3% at $2,202.50 a tonne. Gold, meanwhile, is stable at $1,996.30 per troy ounce. All three are expected to finish the week higher, despite headwinds from weak demand, rising Treasury yields and a strong dollar. However, ING points out in a note that some of the major copper producers in the Americas have lowered their copper production target for this year and next year due to operational problems. “Lower supply as well as optimism about a recovery in Chinese demand could support copper prices, even as broader economic concerns persist. » (
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