
Microsoft CEO Bashes Human-Like AI After OpenAI’s Scarlett Johansson Scandal

“I don’t need artificial intelligence.”

I robot

After OpenAI got in trouble for copying actress Scarlett Johansson’s voice for a new ChatGPT voice assistant, Microsoft’s top boss – a major investor and close partner of OpenAI – criticized human-like AIs in a surprising interview on Monday.

“I don’t like to anthropomorphize AI,” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella told Bloomberg Television. “I kind of believe it’s a tool.”

“He has intelligence, if you want to give him that nickname, but it’s not the same intelligence as me,” he added, while insulting the term “artificial intelligence”.

“I think one of the most unfortunate names is ‘artificial intelligence’ – I wish we called it ‘different intelligence’,” he said. “Because I have my intelligence. I don’t need artificial intelligence.”

We’re not aware of any tension in the relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI, but perhaps this interview is a quiet glimmer of an unfolding debate between machine learning scientists and engineers at both companies as they are expanding the capabilities of AI – especially as advanced voice assistants become more and more numerous. banal, even the nursery of real humans like in the Scarlett Johansson fiasco.

Human or not

The application of human attributes to AI is a constant phenomenon as the technology becomes more and more sophisticated. Do you remember the case of Google engineer Blake Lemoine, who believed his company’s AI tool, LaMDA, was sensitive and was put on paid leave after privately presenting his findings to Google, l ‘incentivizing him to be made public and fired?

But can we blame him?

We have people flocking to AI girlfriends for companionship and the founder of Bumble predicts that people’s AIs will date other people’s AIs, making the dating scene even more dystopian.

And even at Microsoft, the trend of anthropomorphizing AI has crept in – remember Tay, the infamous chatbot that quickly turned racist during its interactions with Twitter users in 2016?

Despite Nadella’s assertion that it is just a tool, the horse is taken out of the stable.

But he’s right that AI is a different type of intelligence, and while people debate whether artificial general intelligence (AGI) will ever happen, the more pressing question isn’t. is not whether we should anthropomorphize AI, but whether we should have AI replace humans – from Scarlett Johansson’s voice to warehouse workers.

Learn more about OpenAI: Machine learning researcher links OpenAI to drug-fueled sex parties

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