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Patrick Pouyanné in front of the senators, our list of house questions.

Energy programming: LR senators challenge the government.

The G7 tries to speak with one voice on the climate.

Hello everyone, it is Monday April 29. The deputies and senators are returning to their red-padded seats today, after two weeks of parliamentary recess. Our colleagues from Paris Influence took the opportunity to list the deadlines for this end of the parliamentary session. On the energy and climate side, elected officials will be somewhat idle, but an initiative from Republican senators will spice up the agenda, we’ll tell you about it below!

TOTALLY YOURS. The CEO of TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanné, is expected at 5 p.m. by the senators of the commission of inquiry dedicated to his company and its climate obligations. The firm approaches the hearing in a “studious and serene” manner, we are assured. And to welcome the “respectful” and “essential” debates so far.

For left-wing senators, three themes stand out for the hearings: climate credibility, respect for human rights abroad and influence strategy. There will not be enough two hours to search, insist, relaunch and point out contradictions, we indicate a collaborator.

To give them ideas, your newsletter asked observers who closely follow TotalEnergies their questions for Patrick Pouyanné:

Antoine Laurent, at Reclaim Finance: “Have you received aid from the State and its diplomatic services to obtain contracts abroad and of what nature? You plan to devote a level of your investment spending to oil and gas expansion in 2030: are you refusing to contribute to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement?

Phuc-Vinh Nguyen, researcher at the Energy Center of the Jacques Delors Institute: “How much Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) do you import, to which countries and in what amounts? If sanctions were applied to Russian LNG tomorrow, what would be your response strategy?

Edina Ifticene, at GreenpeaceAbove all, expect “a real ping-pong on controversial projects abroad and lobbying and not general questions which will allow him to deploy his language elements”.

Last minute : Patrick Pouyanné’s audition was supposed to be the highlight of the show, but ultimately, it will be François Hollande who will close the cycle of auditions, on May 27, informed your newsletter.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK. The senators will perhaps question Patrick Pouyanné about his desires elsewhere. In an interview published by Bloomberg on Friday, the executive considered a primary listing on the New York Stock Exchange for the first time. He must return “by September” to the board of directors on the subject, according to a spokesperson for the group. The headquarters remained in Paris.

Nothing to do with the French public debate, assures the major, but a long-term reflection in the face of an observation: in ten years, North American shareholders increased to 40% of the capital while European investors withdrew, falling to 44%.

Is Paris over? There is also a “big frustration”, continues this manager, to see that “European investors do not own TotalEnergies’ energy transition at its fair value”, arguing that “no oil and gas company is doing it”. as much “.

Today, Meeting of G7 Ministers of Climate, Energy and Environment, in the presence of Christophe Béchu and Franck Riester, in Turin.

At 14 hours, press conference of environmental NGOs on “France’s fossil diplomacy” ahead of Patrick Pouyanné’s hearing.

17 hours, hearing of Patrick Pouyanné by the senatorial commission of inquiry into TotalEnergies.

At 19 ‘o clock, Maastricht debate, co-organized by POLITICO, between the heads of the list of European parties (find live analyzes from our Brussels colleagues here).

CHICK, GOALS. After the Assembly, it is the Senate’s turn to challenge the government. The LR senators have tabled a bill on France’s energy objectives, informed your newsletter, confirming information from La Tribune. The objective is for it to be examined by the summer, during a week dedicated to LR texts, we confirm Dominique Estrosi-Sassone, head of the Eco Affairs committee.

The objective of the senators : “Since the government has not deigned to put the energy trajectory up for debate, I am only continuing my work with this bill,” explains Daniel Gremillet (LR), who held the pen.

The senators retaliated several elements of the preliminary bill worked by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, when she was minister of energy transition, and which was abandoned by the new ministers, tells us one (another) architect of the text. In details :

— Maintain the atom at more than 60% of the electricity mix by 2030, launch the construction of fourteen reactors and study the possibility of building six more.

— Prioritize floating wind turbines at sea, “while respecting the requirements of reconciliation with economic activities, the quality of landscapes and the preservation of biodiversity”, according to the same source, with a value sharing system.

— Launch an experiment on hydroelectric dams, with an authorization regime, namely that hoped for by EDF.

But stillthe exit from coal in 2027 “subject to the requirement of security of supply”, provisions in favor of hydrogen from renewables or nuclear power and batteries, measures to support communities, etc.

A perplexed senator. Vincent Delahaye (Centrist Union), learned of the existence of this PPL thanks to my colleague Alexandre Léchenet. He does not hide his surprise, even though he is leading a commission of inquiry on these same subjects – “production, consumption and the electricity market”, he says – and its conclusions are expected for the summer .

“I don’t understand how they can anticipate the end of the commission of inquiry. In any case, I will not vote on anything before the release of our report. That they present this PPL before, I do not understand it. They could wait until the school year.

ELECTRICITY IN THE AIR. Some (on the left) see the risk of a surge in prices, others (on the right and the extreme right) see a German victory over France, while still others seize the opportunity to point out the direction of their colleagues (to changes within the majority).

The European electricity market has become one of the stars of the European campaign, and we commissioned our in-house expert, Vladimir Benlolo – who before working for Playbook Paris – wrote a memoir dedicated to this market, to tell you all about it.

“On the Marseille market, people take my leaflet when I talk about electricity bills, not when I talk about Europe,” confirms MEP Marina Mesure (LFI), candidate for re-election. The European market has the advantage of being a mobilizing subject for voters, concerned about their purchasing power, but also complex and therefore conducive to deliberate inaccuracies.


ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ALPS. This is an important milestone in view of COP 29 in Baku. The Ministers of Climate, Energy and the Environment of the G7 countries are meeting in Turin until tomorrow, to try to agree on their violins before the big rally of climate negotiations, in November.

Chocolate duo. Franck Riester, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, represented France during the climate discussions, replacing Stéphane Séjourné. The Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, will attend the environmental discussions, particularly on plastic pollution.

Cock-a-doodle Doo ! On the menu exchanges on the climate side: the exit from fossil fuels and financial support from rich countries to countries in the South.

Dam Nippon. France, supported by the United Kingdom, is pushing for OECD countries to do without coal from 2030. A Franco-British alliance which should however face the reluctance of Japan, unwilling to commit to a precise date.

Wait a minute. The subject of financing is “a major point of tension” at the G7, according to a diplomatic adviser. The United States wants to “disengage from any binding dimension relating to the next climate finance objective”, which must be discussed in Baku, in favor of voluntary commitments. There will therefore be no precise amounts this time, and reference to the UN climate exchanges on this point – Dixit this same advisor.

— To promote biomethane, GRDF is launching an advertising campaign with comedian Jamel Debbouze. La Tribune tells the story behind the scenes.

— Between new deposits and superprofits, Marianne deciphers why everything is good for the oil giants, who are in no hurry to go green.

— Italy can do without Russian gas and would not oppose European sanctions. This is what the Italian Energy Minister told POLITICO, as the Commission considers a new package of measures against Moscow.

— La Tribune delved into the archives: by using the regulatory route rather than the parliamentary route on energy objectives, Minister Lescure contradicts MP Roland.

A big thank you to Vladimir Benlolo and our editor Alexandre Léchenet.


Sara Adm

Aimant les mots, Sara Smith a commencé à écrire dès son plus jeune âge. En tant qu'éditeur en chef de son journal scolaire, il met en valeur ses compétences en racontant des récits impactants. Smith a ensuite étudié le journalisme à l'université Columbia, où il est diplômé en tête de sa classe. Après avoir étudié au New York Times, Sara décroche un poste de journaliste de nouvelles. Depuis dix ans, il a couvert des événements majeurs tels que les élections présidentielles et les catastrophes naturelles. Il a été acclamé pour sa capacité à créer des récits captivants qui capturent l'expérience humaine.
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