
The Bare Story Essentials For ‘Destiny 2’ Heading Into ‘The Final Shape’

Destiny YouTuber MyNameisByf just released his absolutely epic 10-hour recap of the entire story of Destiny 1 and 2 ahead of the release of the game’s latest Light and Darkness expansion on Tuesday. I’ve been there for a few hours and, unsurprisingly, it’s the kind of high-quality work he always delivers.

I absolutely recommend everyone to watch it but…it’s admittedly a tall order and we’re now about 72 hours from release so I’d understand if you can’t dedicate 10 to a video. As such, I wanted to write an essential story article here that I think will prepare you for the finale.

It is not a complete timeline piece. No way. This is primarily the last year of content and what I consider to be the most essential elements before The Final Shape, based on what we know about it from recent events and marketing. So let’s go. Bullet points baby!


  • Long ago, a human race on a distant planet found the Traveler, a vast sphere that allowed them wonderful advancements for their civilization, but which remained completely silent in terms of guidance as they grew.
  • Next, they found the Veil, an object of “darkness” contrasting with the Traveler’s Light. It was structure, calm, and a different kind of power. The race attempted to merge both the Traveler and the Veil which they believed would form a perfect entity. The Traveler rejected this proposal and fled the planet, causing havoc.
  • Compiling all their power, civilization formed into a single being to pursue the Traveler, The Witness, who aims to finish what civilization started in order to create The Final Form, perfect calm and preservation of all life without a lot actually. life.” He hunts down the Endless Traveler with a black fleet of pyramid ships and finally catches up with him on earth.
  • The Witness, using the Veil and our Guardian’s connection to the Traveler, punched a hole in the Traveler and entered inside. We haven’t been able to track until recently where we sent a new Guardian Crow through the portal using a combination of Veil energy and Wish Dragon magic. Now we follow him, and this is where the events of The Final Shape begin. We are at the heart of the Traveler that the Witness is corrupting as he attempts to form the Final Form. We, the Guardians, given power by the Traveler, are tasked with stopping him and saving the entire universe.


  • Crow was a man called Uldren, who killed Cayde-6, our friend and the Hunter Vanguard. We killed Uldren in revenge, but he was resurrected by a ghost and became a Guardian named Crow whose memory was erased. He’s slowly regaining those memories, but he’s still cool. Now, Crow may have been tricked by a Wish Dragon into wishing he had never killed Cayde, and that may be why he arrives at the Pale Heart and finds Cayde there, who doesn’t know how he got there or why he is alive. . But Wish Dragon’s wishes are often monkey’s paws, so there may be trouble ahead. The concept of wishing is not yet confirmed, but heavily implied by recent story revelations.
  • The last leader of the city, Commander Zavala, will accompany us in the Traveler. Centuries ago, he had a son who was killed by the Fallen in one of the earliest conflicts with that species. This caused a rift between him and his wife, who separated from him and eventually died of old age as he was immortal as a Guardian. The most recent trailer for Final Shape indicates that The Witness is specifically trying to corrupt him. We don’t know exactly how, but I think it might have something to do with his family coming back (because I don’t know what else could tempt him like that).
  • The surviving Hive gods are hanging around, but we don’t know what/if they will play a role in The Final Shape’s story. But just in case, we should know that Hive trickster Savathun, now guardian, has been resurrected and is currently doing… something… somewhere and she played such a vital role in Destiny’s story that it’s hard to believe she won’t show up at some point. indicate. Meanwhile, her sister Xivu Arath is a servant of the Witness, but was recently made mortal by a ritual from Eris Morn, our brooding witch friend.
  • Our greatest non-human allies are Mithrax, the leader of House Light, a friendly faction of the Fallen who follow the Traveler and support our cause. And then there’s Caiatl, the current leader of the Cabal who we have a permanent alliance with after Xivu Arath destroyed their homeworld. She may or may not have a crush on Zavala. We know that they will help us to some extent in this fight, as shown in the trailers.
  • The Hive of Xivu Arath, the Witness-controlled Taken, and a faction of the Vex are the main forces of the Witnesses, but we also learned that he created a new race based on the population of a dead world, Lubrae, making experiments with light and darkness. These are the Dread, and we will fight them for the first time in this expansion.

Are these the basics? Again, a very brief overview and not for players who know absolutely nothing about the story, but I hope it helps. See you on Tuesday.

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