
Square Enix plans to ‘aggressively pursue’ multiplatform game releases

Everyone is bitten by the cross-platform bug; now it’s Square Enix. In its earnings report released earlier today, the publisher shared its plans to increase profits, stating that it will “aggressively pursue a cross-platform strategy including Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox and PC platforms “.

The news that fans can expect more Square Enix titles on more platforms came with additional news that the company is undergoing a series of layoffs. According to a report from VGCthe publisher plans to lay off an unconfirmed number of people in its U.S. and European operations. The edge has contacted Square Enix for comment.

Earlier this year, industry analysts speculated that Square Enix’s most recent game, Rebirth of Final Fantasy VII, not selling as well as expected. Square Enix itself has not shared sales figures for the game, although it has done so to Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy XVAnd Renaissancethe direct predecessor of Final Fantasy VII Remake. This move to multiplatform versions could therefore be a response to Renaissance‘s apparently weak sales and the fact that Final Fantasy XVone of the best-selling games in the franchise, released on both PlayStation and Xbox, selling over 10 million copies worldwide.

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