World News

Spain, Norway, Ireland recognize Palestine – DW – 05/28/2024

Spain and Norway, along with Ireland, on Tuesday became the most recent countries to recognize Palestinian statehood, angering Israel.

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said the day “will remain engraved in Spanish history” once the government approves the decision.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide also welcomed the “milestone” moment when the decision to recognize a Palestinian state came into force.

The three European countries had planned simultaneous recognition in the hope that its symbolism would inspire other countries to also commit to recognition. However, on the same day, the Danish parliament rejected a proposal for such a move.

“This is the only way to move forward towards what everyone recognizes as the only possible solution to achieve a peaceful future, that of a Palestinian state living side by side with the Israeli state in peace and security “said Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in a statement. televised speech before the Cabinet meeting.

Israel has repeatedly condemned the move, and on Tuesday its foreign minister accused Sanchez of inciting the genocide of Jews.

Israeli operations in Gaza, particularly its most recent trip to Rafah, have left it increasingly isolated on the international stage.

Following recognition by Spain, Norway and Ireland, the number of UN member states recognizing a Palestinian state increased to 146 out of 193, according to Albares. Three permanent members of the UN Security Council – France, the United Kingdom and the United States – do not recognize it, however.

“We want to escape the cycle of violence”

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jack colman

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