
Social isolation leads to reductions in brain cells and mild cognitive impairment

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A recent scientific study published in the journal Structure and function of the brain provides evidence that social isolation not only impairs the ability of mice to socially recognize other mice, but also leads to a decrease in brain cells. Research highlights the importance of social interaction early in life on brain health and social cognition.

Previous studies have linked social deprivation to various brain changes in humans and animal models, particularly affecting areas involved in emotional processing and social interaction. However, gaps remain in understanding the specific cellular alterations that occur due to isolation and how these changes translate into behavioral outcomes.

The new study sought to fill these gaps by examining the effects of social isolation from a neurodevelopmental perspective, focusing on a critical period shortly after weaning in mice. This period is crucial for brain development, and disruptions during this time could have lasting effects on brain structure and function.

The researchers used male C57BL/6 mice, a common strain in neurological research due to their well-documented genetics and relatively predictable behavior. The mice were divided into two groups: one that experienced social isolation and another that was group housed, serving as a control. This division was implemented immediately after weaning, more precisely on the 21st postnatal day. Isolated mice were housed individually to simulate a lack of social interaction, while mice in the control group were housed in groups of four.

To analyze the impact of isolation, the study used a combination of behavioral tests and biological assays. Behavioral assessments were performed using the Crawley Three-Chamber Social Approach Test, which measures both preferences for social interaction (social approach) and the ability to recognize previously encountered mice (recognition social).

On the biological side, researchers performed detailed cell counting in various regions of the brain to measure changes in the number of neurons and oligodendrocytes. These counts were performed at two time points (at 60 and 90 days) to track changes over time.

Isolated mice showed significant changes in brain structure and function after 90 days compared to those housed in groups. In particular, isolated mice showed a reduction in the number of neurons and oligodendrocytes in brain regions like the hippocampus and olfactory bulb. These areas are vital for memory and sensory processing, suggesting that prolonged social isolation may have detrimental effects on brain regions essential for cognitive functions.

Despite neuronal loss, isolated mice initially did not show a significant deviation in social interest compared to the control group during the social approach phase of the experiments. They responded similarly to social stimuli, indicating that fundamental social dynamics remained intact despite the isolation.

However, when testing social recognition, isolated mice showed deficiencies. They did not show a preference for new mice over familiar mice, unlike group-housed mice. This suggests that although the desire for social interaction was not affected, their ability to recognize and differentiate between familiar and novel social contacts was impaired.

Animal models, particularly rodents such as mice and rats, are widely used in psychological and neuroscientific research to explore the biological basis of behaviors and psychological traits relevant to human conditions.

Despite their usefulness, these models have inherent limitations. The most important of these is the challenge of fully replicating complex human psychological states and behaviors in animals. Humans possess superior cognitive functions, rich emotional lives, and complex social interactions that can be difficult to imitate or accurately measure in animals.

Despite these limitations, many behavioral disorders observed in human psychiatric conditions have similar biological underpinnings across species. Essentially, although animal models cannot capture all aspects of human psychological states, they are useful for uncovering fundamental neurobiological mechanisms that likely play a role in human conditions.

The results of the new study suggest new research directions, including exploring the cellular and molecular pathways affected by social isolation. Understanding these pathways can help identify biomarkers for early detection of mental health risks associated with social deprivation and could lead to the development of new pharmacological treatments targeting these specific pathways.

The study, titled “Social isolation leads to mild impairments in social recognition and losses of brain cellularity,” was written by Daniel Menezes Guimarães, Bruna Valério-Gomes, Rodrigo Jorge Vianna-Barbosa, Washington Oliveira, Gilda Angela Neves, Fernanda Tovar-Moll and Roberto Carême.

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Gn Health

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