
Plant-based fake meats can cause real health risks: study

Food drink

Good for the environment, but what about your body?

Trendy plant-based meats could trigger health problems less commonly seen in humans who prefer to eat real meat, a new study warns.

Research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the impacts of protein alternatives, scientifically known as plant-based meat analogs, or PBMAs, to real meat dishes — and experts don’t necessarily have liked what they found.

Plant-based meats may not be as healthy as previously thought, according to a new study. Various photographs –

During an eight-week analysis period, real beef was found to provide more protein than its imposter — while also generally being higher in sodium, a problem for people with high blood pressure.

Additionally, PBMAs contained high levels of potassium and calcium, which could trigger problems with blood sugar control in a way not seen in meat eaters.

“This suggests that assumptions that consuming (plant-based meats) are beneficial to health cannot be directly extrapolated to those who consume a (plant-based diet),” the researchers said.

Previous research has shown that plant-based diets have few overall health benefits compared to counterpart foods.

In another study, veganism was found to increase female libido by up to 380%.

Don't be fooled into thinking that sustainably sourced meats are a healthier option.
Don’t automatically assume that plant-based meats are a healthier option. ricka_kinamoto –

The medical news comes as well-known brand Beyond Meat experiences plummeting sales. The company recently attempted to reduce the fat in its products by 60 percent.

And while the jury may still be out, that hasn’t stopped the likes of Bill Gates from giving meat alternatives a strong vote of confidence.

“I think eventually these products will be very good, even if their share is low today,” Gates told Redditors in a recent online discussion.

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Gn Health

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