
New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted following a federal investigation, sources say. Federal agents seen outside Gracie Mansion.

NEW YORK — Eric Adams, Mayor of New York was indicted following a federal investigationsources tell CBS News New York.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is expected to announce the specific charges against him at 11:30 a.m. Thursday. Watch the news conference live on CBS News New York in the video player above.

Meanwhile, federal agents could be seen parked outside the mayor’s Gracie Mansion home early Thursday morning.

“Federal agents showed up this morning at Gracie Mansion in an attempt to create a spectacle (again) and take Mayor Adams’ phone (again). He has not been arrested and is eagerly awaiting his day in court,” Adams’ attorney Alex Spiro said in a statement. “They are sending a dozen agents to retrieve a phone that we would have gladly returned.”

It is not yet clear what charges Adams will face, but he will become the first sitting mayor in New York City history to be indicted.

The indictment comes following several investigations involving the mayor and members of his administration. The various probes were taking place over several monthsfrom November 2023and has been fueled by a series of subpoenas in recent weeks.

Adams responds with video message

In a recorded video message sent by his attorney, Adams responded to reports of the indictment Wednesday night.

“My fellow New Yorkers, I now believe that the federal government intends to charge me with crimes. If so, those charges will be entirely false, based on lies. But they would not be surprising. I always knew that if I stood up for all of you, I would be a target, and I have become a target.

“For months, leaks and rumors have been spread against me in an attempt to undermine my credibility and make me look guilty. Last week, they searched the home of our new police commissioner, looking for documents dating back 20 years, just one week after he arrived in my administration. Enough is enough. I will fight against these injustices with all my strength and courage.”

“If charged, I know I am innocent. I will demand an immediate trial so New Yorkers can hear the truth. New Yorkers know my story. They know where I come from. I have fought injustice my entire life. That fight has continued as Mayor. Despite our pleas when the federal government did nothing while its failed immigration policies overwhelmed our housing system without any help, I put the people of New York before party and politics.

“Now, if I am indicted, many will say that I should resign because I cannot run the city while defending this case. I can also understand that ordinary New Yorkers are concerned that I cannot do my job while I am indicted. But I have been confronted with these lies for months, since I began speaking on your behalf and their investigation began. Yet the city has continued to improve. Make no mistake, you elected me to lead this city and I will lead it. I humbly ask for your prayers and patience as we work through this case. God bless you and God bless the City of New York. Thank you.”

The mayor could appear in court as early as Thursday morning to face the charges, sources said.

Governor Kathy Hochul could soon step into the spotlight

Asked earlier this week whether he would resign because of the investigations, Adams flatly rejected the idea and said he was I look forward to running for re-election. and finally take the oath of office for a second term.

“I’m taking charge, I’m not stepping down,” Adams said Tuesday. “I have a city to run.”

However, following reports of the indictment on Wednesday evening, many began to calling for the mayor’s resignation.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has the power to remove Adams from office, CBS News New York’s Marcia Kramer reported, adding that she would face pressure to do so because he has Many positions to be filled following recent resignations and may have difficulty completing them due to their circumstances.

However, Kramer also said Adams believes he has an argument to stay where he is because he has been under investigation for nearly a year and says crime is down, while jobs and tourism are up.

If Adams were to resign or be removed by the governor, New York City Public Defender Jumaane Williams would take over in an interim capacity and have three days to call a special election, which would have to be held within 80 days.

A spokesman for Hochul said the governor was aware of the reports and was monitoring the situation, although it would be “premature to comment further until the matter is confirmed by law enforcement.”

The various surveys

A spokesperson for Adams said: “We expect all team members to fully comply with any ongoing investigation.”

Adams Campaign Fundraising Investigation:Federal authorities have been looking closely at donations made to the 2021 mayoral campaign by people with ties to the Turkish government, sources told CBS News New York. That investigation began in November 2023. Federal agents raided the home of Adams’ top fundraiser, Brianna SuggsAdams was attending a meeting on the migrant crisis in Washington, D.C. at the time of the raid, but returned to New York when he heard that raids against Suggs and others were taking place.

This investigation has apparently expanded. People familiar with the investigation said a new round of subpoenas served on Adams’ attorney in July sought information related to his dealings with Israel, China, Qatar, South Korea and Uzbekistan.

Adams said Tuesday that as mayor he had visited only Israel and Qatar.

What’s at issue in the fundraising investigation: Did Donors From Türkiye Contribute to Adams’ Campaign?sources said. Employees of a Brooklyn construction company reportedly donated to Adams’ campaign. When questioned, some of them said they did not recall making such donations.

Investigators were looking into whether the donations were linked to possible pressure on the FDNY to approve the opening of a new Turkish consulate in Midtown, despite security concerns, sources told CBS News New York.

The investigation also seeks to determine whether Adams received free flights and upgrades on Turkish Airlines, sources said.

Other surveys: Former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban Resigns after revealing that federal agents searched his home and took his phone. This investigation concerns his twin brother, James Caban, who is said to have worked as a fixer for restaurants and nightclubs that had problems with the NYPDsources told CBS News New York. James Caban has reportedly helped restaurants resolve issues such as noise complaints and others that could warrant NYPD attention.

James Caban’s attorney said there was nothing wrong with a former NYPD officer working as a liaison between the NYPD and nightclubs.

Another investigation led federal authorities to the homes of Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III and his brother’s home in Hamilton Heights, Schools Chancellor David Banksand his partner, First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. All three had their phones confiscated. Weeks after the raid, David Banks announced that he would retire at the end of the yearHe said he had already informed Adams of his retirement before the raid.

Terence Banks, another of Banks’ brothers, is also reportedly involved in the investigation. He runs a consulting firm called Pearl Alliance. The firm represents various companies that have contracts with New York City agencies worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Banks, however, is not a licensed lobbyist.

Here’s a more detailed look at who’s who in the various investigations..

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