
Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava steps down just days after Miss USA’s resignation


Miss Teen USA resigned Wednesday, sending new shockwaves through the pageant community just days after Miss USA announced she would relinquish her crown.

In an Instagram post Wednesday, Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava said her “personal values ​​no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

“After months of struggling with this decision, I have made the choice to resign from the title of Miss Teen USA 2023,” Srivastava wrote in a statement on her personal account. The New Jersey teenager won the competition in September and had expressed pride in being the first Mexican-American to hold the role.

“I look forward to the rest of the year as I complete my 11th year in the National Honor Society and begin the college application process, knowing that my college career has been defined by my work hard work and through my hard work alone,” she said. added. She said she will continue her advocacy for education and acceptance while working with the Lotus Petal and Bridge of Books foundations.

The pageant responded with an Instagram post, writing that it respected Srivastava’s decision, considered the welfare of the titleholders “a top priority” and that a successor would be named soon.

Srivastava and the Miss Universe and Miss USA organizations did not immediately respond to CNN’s requests for comment.

Her resignation follows another queen relinquishing her title earlier this week.

On Monday, Noelia Voigt gave up her Miss USA title, citing her mental health. When she won the crown in November, Voigt, who is of Venezuelan descent and a Utah native, said she would work to build connections with diverse communities across the United States.

“Deep down, I know this is just the beginning of a new chapter for me, and I hope I continue to inspire others to stand strong, to prioritize your mental health, to advocate for yourself and those of others using your voice, and to never be disappointed. I’m afraid of what the future holds, even if it seems uncertain,” she posted on Instagram.

“Never compromise your physical and mental well-being. Our health is our wealth,” she wrote.

Her post sparked speculation from fans that Voigt was sending a hidden message regarding a non-disclosure agreement, with the first letter of the first 11 sentences of her statement clarifying “I am silenced.”

A spokesperson for the Miss USA Organization told CNN in a statement Monday that they support Voigt’s decision to resign from her position and that “the well-being of our titleholders is a top priority, and we understand that she must give herself priority in this area. time.”

The organization added that it was reviewing plans for the “transition of responsibilities to a successor” and would soon announce the new Miss USA.

The resignations, along with the resignation of the organization’s social media director, Claudia Michelle, also last week, have raised questions among fans about beauty pageant culture and the need for an overhaul of some aspects.

Michelle has been more outspoken about alleged problems within the organization. In an Instagram post, she wrote that she disavows “workplace toxicity and bullying of any kind.”

Miss Universe and Miss USA did not immediately respond to CNN’s requests for comment.

Some of Voigt’s fellow Miss USA contestants shared a message claiming that “the majority” of the Class of 2023 supported her decision to leave and asked the Miss USA Organization to release Voigt from her NDA clause “so that she can be free to talk about their experiences. »

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News Source : www.cnn.com


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