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Man found guilty in killings of wife, 3 other family members in West Chester

A three-judge bench found Gurpreet Singh guilty of four counts of aggravated murder in the killing of his wife and three other family members in April 2019. The bench deliberated for about two hours before reaching a verdict . Watch the verdict in the video player above The verdict follows Singh’s two-week retrial for the murders of his wife, Shalinderjit Kaur, his parents, Hakikat Singh Pannag and Parmjit Kaur, and Parmjit’s sister , Amarjit Kaur, in their West Chester apartment in April 2019. All four victims were shot. The sentencing phase will begin Monday morning. The prosecution and defense presented their final arguments before the three-judge panel Friday morning. At the close of proceedings, prosecutors presented judges with much of the testimony, laying out their theory that Singh methodically shot family member after family member, then through the gun into the pond behind the apartment. Prosecutors believe they have proven prior calculation and design, which is necessary for an aggravated murder conviction. The motives, they said, were a longtime affair between Singh and an Indianapolis woman, a strained relationship with his father-in-law. , and money problems. The defense, however, said the only reason Singh is on trial is because he lied when he told police he came home to find his family bleeding. They say he was there but only witnessed the murders. During closing arguments, the defense reminded judges of testimony from a neighbor who said he saw someone flee the scene that night after hearing gunshots. The defense also said that if Singh shot all four victims, why was there only his wife’s blood on him? Singh claims he held his wife after she was shot.

A three-judge panel found Gurpreet Singh guilty of four counts of aggravated murder for the killing of his wife and three other family members in April 2019.

The jury deliberated for approximately 2 hours before reaching a verdict.

Watch the verdict delivered in the video player above

The verdict follows Singh’s two-week retrial for the murders of his wife, Shalinderjit Kaur, his parents, Hakikat Singh Pannag and Parmjit Kaur, and Parmjit’s sister, Amarjit Kaur, in their West Chester apartment in April 2019. All four victims were shot. the death.

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The sentencing phase will begin Monday morning.

The prosecution and defense presented their final arguments before the three-judge panel Friday morning.

At closings, prosecutors presented judges with much of the testimony, laying out their theory that Singh methodically shot family member after family member, then through the gun into the pond behind the apartment .

Prosecutors believe they have proven prior calculation and design, which is necessary for an aggravated murder conviction.

The motivations, they said, were a longtime affair between Singh and an Indianapolis woman, a strained relationship with his father-in-law and money problems.

The defense, however, said the only reason Singh is on trial is because he lied when he told police he came home to find his family bleeding. They say he was there but only witnessed the murders.

During closing arguments, the defense reminded judges of testimony from a neighbor who said he saw someone running from the scene that night after hearing gunshots.

The defense also said that if Singh shot all four victims, why was there only his wife’s blood on him? Singh claims he held his wife after she was shot.

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jack colman

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