
Levi Wright’s mother reveals how rodeo star’s son fell into the creek where he drowned while driving his toy tractor around their Utah home

By Nic White and Dominic Yeatman for Dailymail.Com

2:16 p.m. June 6, 2024, updated 2:23 p.m. June 6, 2024

Levi Wright’s mother has revealed the heartbreaking truth about how the child fell into the river where he drowned.

Kallie Wright dove in to save the three-year-old after he disappeared under rushing water on their property in Milford, Utah, on May 21.

He survived 12 days in hospital with a glimmer of hope that he could regain his brain function, until his life support system was cut off on Sunday.

Kallie detailed for the first time Thursday how Levi fell into the creek while driving his toy tractor on their 24 acres of land.

Three-year-old Levi Wright was seriously injured after driving his toy tractor into a raging river near his family’s home in Beaver County, Utah, on May 21.
Her death was confirmed by a family friend on Monday after her heartbroken parents, Kallie and Spencer Wright, decided to turn off life support on Sunday.

She said the creek separated the property of her and her husband, rodeo star Spencer Wright, from that of Levi’s grandparents.

There is a road which crosses the creek and which, depending on the water level, occasionally covers the road at the crossing – as was the case on May 21st.

“My kids have ridden their bikes, driven their cars with toys, and even walked like this a million times,” she wrote on Facebook.

“Water only flows for a short time during the year and can change overnight.

“Levi didn’t do anything he hadn’t done before, but this time the water was at its worst and strong enough to push his tractor off the road into the creek as he crossed.”

Kallie, not knowing the water level, told Levi not to cross the creek because his grandmother was not home and to just walk around the house.

However, Levi, being a free-spirited child, did not listen.

“As he left, I ran towards the house. This is a decision that will haunt me for the rest of my life,” Kallie wrote.

“At that point, he was my sole responsibility. I honestly don’t know if I went back to check on my sleeping baby, exchange laundry, wash a bottle, or put away lunch.

“Anyway, it wasn’t more important than following him that day.

Millions of people around the world followed the little boy’s 12-day fight for survival

Kallie wrote that although she believed God predetermined the outcome of everyone’s life, including when it would end, it still kept her up at night.

“I’m going to lose sleep over this for eternity, but with this I know three things are true,” she wrote, sending a message to people who criticized her actions that day.

“First of all, I’m not a perfect mom but I’m a good mom. Second, my little boy loved me with everything he had.

“Third, never say never, because it only takes a few seconds and it can happen to you too.

“I pray that anyone who judges me or has hurtful words to say never finds themselves the victim of a nightmare like this.”

The dinosaur-loving little boy was taken by ambulance to Beaver County Hospital before being airlifted to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.

The initial prognosis was devastating as doctors concluded he was suffering brain death due to lack of oxygen underwater.

But his heart was beating on its own and Levi’s father said the family “had received many little miracles” and doctors were “surprised by the progress he had made.”

Spencer Wright’s (pictured) family is among the most prominent in rodeo history and he is ranked 35th in the world.

Then, on May 24, the family thought they had received the miracle they had been praying for.

‘LEVI WAKE UP!’ Kallie posted: “I’m shaken, we don’t know much but the doctor told me I could get excited about this and I am! My baby is so hard!

“He got a little wild so we had to calm him down again but sweetheart!

“He actually woke up while we were talking to one of the doctors about his love of excavators and tractors! »

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But a few hours later, they received much sadder news.

“The MRI was not good,” Kallie wrote.

“We are upset but these are only images that suggest a certain quality of life. Our real tell-all will be what Levi does over the course of a few days.

Kallie posted again last Thursday when another brain scan showed little improvement.

“They made sure Levi was comfortable, they tried to wean him off the sedation and he couldn’t do it,” she wrote.

“It was heartbreaking to watch and he is now heavily sedated until the next stage.”

Finally on Sunday, Kallie and Spencer made the decision they had been dreading.

“After many sleepless nights, much research, multiple conversations with the world’s best neurologists, and millions of prayers, we are here facing our greatest fear,” she wrote.

“Soon I will lie down with my baby and hold him in my arms as he falls asleep for the last time on this earth.

“Levi showed us just enough to buy us some time for all of this.

Levi visited his mother Kallie and new baby brother Brae in the hospital less than a year ago.

“We prayed that these things would defy all odds and prove to us that he wanted to stay here. But we see now that he wanted to give us time to find peace by letting him go.

“I told you my baby was thoughtful and thoughtful, I truly believe he did that for us.”

Family friend Mindy Sue Clark announced the news of Levi’s death in a Facebook post at 8:14 a.m. Monday.

“I don’t want to focus on the bad or the sad, even though it feels like someone ripped my heart out and squeezed it right in front of me,” she wrote.

“I want to focus on the many miracles we all witnessed during these 12 days. The response to Levi’s story has been absolutely incredible.

‘Levi Spencer Wright – March 24, 2021 – June 2, 2024. The most perfect three year old who ever lived. So perfect we couldn’t keep it.

“I don’t want to focus on the bad or the sad, even if it feels like someone ripped my heart out and squeezed it right in front of me.

“Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people surrounded our best little friend, lifted him up in prayer and threw their loving arms around Levi and his family.

“Soon I will crawl into bed with my baby and hold him in my arms as he falls asleep for the last time on this earth,” Kallie wrote on Sunday.

“We have never seen or experienced anything like this. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to fully treat it.

“I am so grateful for all the time I spent being his ‘Aunt Mindy.’ It’s a blessing I can never match.

Friends came together with a series of fundraisers for Kallie, Spencer and their two other children, leaving the family in awe of the outpouring of love.

“During this time he brought out humanity across the country, he brought so many people to their knees and reminded them of what truly matters in this world,” Kallie wrote.

“We will miss him every second of every day here, but without a doubt we think this is the best thing we can do for him.

“We love you little beans. I’m going to miss you like crazy, buddy! »

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News Source : www.dailymail.co.uk


With a penchant for words, Eleon Smith began writing at an early age. As editor-in-chief of his high school newspaper, he honed his skills telling impactful stories. Smith went on to study journalism at Columbia University, where he graduated top of his class. After interning at the New York Times, Smith landed a role as a news writer. Over the past decade, he has covered major events like presidential elections and natural disasters. His ability to craft compelling narratives that capture the human experience has earned him acclaim. Though writing is his passion, Eleon also enjoys hiking, cooking and reading historical fiction in his free time. With an eye for detail and knack for storytelling, he continues making his mark at the forefront of journalism.
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