
Kid Rock Waves Gun in Rolling Stone Journalist’s Face Mid-Interview: Report

Bob Ritchie, aka Kid Rock, will readily admit that he lives in his own world – “and it’s great”, as he insisted to a rolling stone journalist in a recent interview. The rules of this world, however, apparently dictate that Ritchie can do whatever he wants, including getting “belligerently” drunk in front of someone with a tape recorder.

After switching from white wine to bourbon and Coke halfway through a meeting with rolling stonethe MAGA-loving rocker began “yelling” at reporter David Peisner, who reported that his subject pulled out a handgun and waved it in his face.

“And I have a fucking gun here if I need it!” he writes that Ritchie screamed. “I have them everywhere! To be fair, the previous two hours of the interview were also marked by some bizarre exchanges, including a moment where Ritchie attacked immigrants before shouting “9/11!” »

But the evening derailed after the gun was pulled, with Ritchie repeatedly spitting the n-word and berating Peisner, calling him an “academic snowflake” and pestering him to “shoot” him.

Peisner describes the couple arguing over his attempts to leave, with Ritchie asking Peisner to crash at his mansion.

“You won’t make it,” Ritchie said, referring to a half-mile walk “up a steep hill, through unfamiliar woods,” in the dark. After more back-and-forth, the two men are “chest to chest and he’s facing me, but I think I can detect a smirk creeping from the corner of his mouth,” Peisner writes. Finally, Ritchie seems deflated and he agrees to drive Peisner to his car.

As Ritchie drove, Peisner said he turned to the reporter and asked in a low voice if he would do him a favor.

“Just write the most horrible article about me,” the musician said. “Do it. It helps me.”

Peisner described in detail the irregular interview in April, including a visit to Ritchie’s mansion, which is said to be modeled on the White House.

“The extravagant, airy mansion is decorated with stuffed hunting trophies and neon beer signs,” Peisner writes.

“The towels in the bathroom are monogrammed with an “R” and a mirror near the sink depicts a naked woman wearing a “Liberty” headband painted pink. Images of Kid Rock’s platinum records adorn the garage doors.

Peisner adds that the 214-acre complex includes a living room, a studio and a “cavernous shed with a pickleball court,” describing it as “what a 13-year-old boy might draw if you asked him to design his parents’ house.” dreams.” .”

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News Source : www.thedailybeast.com


With a penchant for words, Eleon Smith began writing at an early age. As editor-in-chief of his high school newspaper, he honed his skills telling impactful stories. Smith went on to study journalism at Columbia University, where he graduated top of his class. After interning at the New York Times, Smith landed a role as a news writer. Over the past decade, he has covered major events like presidential elections and natural disasters. His ability to craft compelling narratives that capture the human experience has earned him acclaim. Though writing is his passion, Eleon also enjoys hiking, cooking and reading historical fiction in his free time. With an eye for detail and knack for storytelling, he continues making his mark at the forefront of journalism.
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