
Here’s how you can improve your health by stopping negativity and embracing optimism

Prince Bhojwani never considered himself a negative person, until three trips to the hospital in one month forced him to reconsider his decision.

Before May 2018, he was a healthy but chronically worried startup founder who regularly took 20-mile bike rides. When he suddenly became barely able to walk, with blurred vision and high blood pressure, emergency room doctors suspected a stroke, but could not identify the cause of his illness.

However, a close friend – “one of the most optimistic people I know,” he said – pointed out that Bhojwani often lacked confidence that things would work out, and suggested that it had caused him to burn out.

“I started looking at the world very differently, literally the next day,” said Bhojwani, who lives in New York. He started to meditate and take a moment each morning to feel grateful to be alive. He also found purpose in co-founding a nonprofit, Asana Voices, a South Asian advocacy organization.

Since then, he has not experienced a similar health crisis, despite working longer hours. He credits his new positive attitude.

“After a life-changing event, it kind of forced me to become optimistic,” he said. “I can’t even imagine living life the way I did back then.”

Optimism in itself is not a panacea, but numerous studies over the decades have demonstrated a link between a positive attitude and good health outcomes.

A longer and healthier life?

Experts say the standard for measuring a person’s relative optimism has long been the 10 question. Life Orientation Test-Revisedpublished in 1994. (Sample question: On a scale of 1 to 5, respondents are asked how much they agree with the statement: “In times of uncertainty, I generally expect the best.” ?)

Generally, optimism is defined as “the expectation that good things will happen, or the belief that the future will be favorable because we can control important outcomes,” said Hayami Koga, a postdoctoral researcher at the Harvard Center for Population. and Development Studies.

She was the lead author of a 2022 study that revealed the optimism associated with longer lifespan and a greater chance of living beyond the age of 90. In another study, published in May in JAMA Psychiatry, she and other researchers said that optimists in general maintained better physical functioning as we age. They examined 5,930 postmenopausal women over a 6-year period.

“We know that people who are more optimistic are more likely to live healthier lives, have healthier habits, eat healthier and exercise more,” Koga said.

Can I learn to be optimistic?

Some people are born more optimistic, but it can also certainly be learned, said Sue Varma, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University and author of “Practical Optimism: The Art, Science, and Practice of Exceptional Well-being.” Being.”

Optimism training, she said, can improve life satisfaction and reduce anxiety.

“Even if you’re not born with this natural disposition to anticipate favorable outcomes and see the glass half full, you can learn certain skills,” Varma said.

Start by noticing how you handle uncertainty, she said. Do you tend to worry? Imagine the worst?

Try to reframe the thought objectively. “Is there a glimmer of hope? Is this a problem to be solved or a truth to be accepted? said Varma, noting that his book draws on the work of Martin Seligman, one of the fathers of positive psychology.

Try to envision the best possible outcome and a step-by-step path to get there. Varma asks his clients to describe the path in detail until the problem is resolved and encourages them to rejoice in their success.

“So you already approach your day and your life as if things have gone well,” she said. “And you tend to be more proactive, more positive, more resilient, more dynamic in the face of obstacles.”

Finding a goal to work towards can also help. Volunteering would be beneficial, but for those who can’t find the time, Varma suggested trying to rethink your role at work to better match your interests. It could be as simple as a very social person organizing outings with colleagues.

Trying to master a skill, whether it’s a sport, musical instrument, language, or a hobby like knitting or chess, can prevent you from ruminating on negative possibilities .

Even with these and other interventions, it’s not easy to change your mindset, Varma noted. But practice helps.

“It’s a set of tools, it’s a mindset,” she said. “I have to practice it every day in my mind.”


Albert Stumm writes about food, travel and wellness. Find his work on

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