Politico News

Freemasons and ‘world war party’ conspire against Georgia, ruling party claims – POLITICO

When asked to explain who Ivanishvili was referring to, Lashkhi replied that “Freemasons” were behind projects across the world. “We found that they do have influence on world politics,” she insisted, but declined to name other groups allegedly responsible.

“Today, when I myself am involved in external relations and sometimes when I have the partnership and then they say that, well, you are doing well and you are doing well, but then there is a additional voice,” she continued.

Asked during a recent visit to the South Caucasus country for his opinion on the idea of ​​a “global war party” – a notion that echoes pro-Russian propaganda – the Lithuanian foreign minister, Gabrielus Landsbergis burst out laughing. However, “it’s not a joke because it’s something serious and it’s the Kremlin’s speech,” he said.

“The only party to the war is in Moscow,” Landsbergis added. “This is the party that attacked Georgia in 2008; this is the party that attacked Ukraine in 2014 and is currently waging a war against Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is our obligation to those who value freedom to fight this party and win this war,” he said.

Tens of thousands of Georgians have taken to the streets in recent weeks to oppose Georgian Dream’s proposals to force NGOs, campaign groups and media outlets that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as “organizations serving the interests of a foreign power”. .” Brussels said the move was “incompatible with European values”, warning it would prevent Georgia from becoming a full member just six months after being granted candidate status.

Police used tear gas, riot shields and batons against protesters, and moved in to arrest organizers and opposition politicians. At the same time, the government is pushing forward a bill to ban “LGBT propaganda,” which critics say would ban everything from film screenings to annual Pride events. The move would mirror rules Russia uses to persecute minority groups.

On Saturday, the chairman of the US Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, confirmed that he would introduce legislation in Washington that would open the door to sanctions against top dream politicians Georgian.


Sara Adm

Aimant les mots, Sara Smith a commencé à écrire dès son plus jeune âge. En tant qu'éditeur en chef de son journal scolaire, il met en valeur ses compétences en racontant des récits impactants. Smith a ensuite étudié le journalisme à l'université Columbia, où il est diplômé en tête de sa classe. Après avoir étudié au New York Times, Sara décroche un poste de journaliste de nouvelles. Depuis dix ans, il a couvert des événements majeurs tels que les élections présidentielles et les catastrophes naturelles. Il a été acclamé pour sa capacité à créer des récits captivants qui capturent l'expérience humaine.
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