
Doug Belgrad To Netflix As Dan Lin Restaffs After Layoffs

Doug Belgrade joins Netflix as vice president of motion pictures. This is Dan Lin’s first hire after Lin replaced Scott Stuber and laid off a number of employees. Stuber courted top filmmakers for years in hopes that Netflix would embrace theatrical releases. We’ve heard rumors of buyer regrets as films like At Knives Out: Glass Onion sacrificed its chances for big international revenue and went straight to streaming. No one can feel sorry, given the magnitude of this deal, but streaming strategies are evolving. Netflix is ​​moving forward with a clearer mandate to create its film slates specifically for its vast streaming audience, with releases on the platform only happening for films that Netflix wants to qualify for awards.

Belgrade spent 25 years and served as co-president under Amy Pascal. After his release, he formed 2.0 Entertainment and produced Gran Turismo And Bad Boys: Ride or Die.

Belgrade said: “It will be a privilege to work with the incredible team at Netflix and take on the responsibility of overseeing film production for the world’s largest provider of filmed entertainment. I am inspired by the chance to work alongside Dan, whose tastes as a filmmaker and hitmaker are well established. From the first time we met about this role, I felt we shared a vision for the future of film at Netflix. As a director and producer, I have been fortunate to work with many of the world’s most talented filmmakers and performers. There is no better place to continue this work than Netflix, whose global reach and resources are unmatched. Although it’s not easy to leave 2.0 Entertainment, the company is in good hands with Sophie and Zack. I will watch with pride as they continue to produce great entertainment.

Lin said he was “thrilled to welcome Doug to our filmmaking team as VP of Film. He brings to this role a wealth of experience gained over his many years as a respected studio executive, producer and co-financier. We will draw on Doug’s great creative instincts, his eye for talent and his deep relationships with the film and talent community. We can’t wait for him to get started and look forward to his many contributions as we continue our mission to make best-in-class films across all genres.”

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News Source : deadline.com


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