
Colton Cowser throws Craig Kimbrel’s save ball into fountains

Colton Cowser throws Craig Kimbrel’s rescue ball into the fountains

nn”,”providerName”:”Twitter”,”providerUrl”:””,”thumbnail_url”:null,”type”:”oembed”,”width”:550,”contentType “:”rich”},{“__typename”:”Markdown”,”content”:”The reason? It was the ball that brought Baltimore together Craig Kimbrel422nd career big league save, which tied Billy Wagner for seventh on the AL/NL all-time list.nn“Right when I threw it, I said, ‘Craig has a lot of saves, that one might have been important,’” Cowser said. “I literally told center Cedric Mullins every time, ‘Maybe I made a mistake. »And it turns out I did. However, we got the ball back. ball. Turns out that when he “threw” it, he threw it into one of the stadium’s iconic fountains.”,”type”:”text”},{“__typename”:”OEmbed”, “html”:”“,”providerName”:”MLB”,”providerUrl”:null,”thumbnail_url”:”″,”type “:”oembed”,”width”:425,”contentType”:”rich”},{“__typename”:”Markdown”,”content”:”There were only two balls at the bottom of this fountain, and one was so old it was easy to tell which one was the last out of Saturday’s game. A stadium employee retrieved it for Cowser, who then returned to the visitors’ clubhouse and began drying it with a white towel.nn”Apparently the balls sink after two minutes,” Cowser said .nnIt’s won. It’s not something Cowser will experience anytime soon, and he knows it.nn”It’s a fine, isn’t it?” » said manager Brandon Hyde jokingly. “We need to do something about this.””,”type”:”text”},{“__typename”:”Video”,”contentDate”:”2024-04-21T01:32:59.615Z”,”PreferredPlaybackScenarioURL ({“preferredPlaybacks”:”mp4AvcPlayback”})”:” – diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4″,”type”:”video”,”description”:”Colton Cowser makes a strong throw to third base to catch Kyle Isbel, recording the second out in the bottom of the 7th inning”,”displayAsVideoGif “:false ,”duration”:”00:00:20″,”slug”:”yohan-ramirez-in-play-run-s-to-maikel-garcia-x1910″,”tags”:({“__typename “”: “InternalTag”, “slug”: “season-2024”, “title”: “Season 2024”, “type”: “season”}, {“__typename”: “GameTag”}, {“__typename”: “PersonTag” ,”slug”:”playerid-681297″,”title”:”Colton Cowser”,”person”:{“__ref”:”Person:681297″},”type”:”player”},{“__typename “: “TeamTag”,”slug”:”teamid-110″,”title”:”Baltimore Orioles”,”team”:{“__ref”:”Team:110″},”type”:”team”}, { “__typename”: “TaxonomyTag”, “slug”: “defense”, “title”: “defense”, “type”: “taxonomy”}, {“__typename”: “TaxonomyTag”, “slug”: “highlight” , “title”:”highlight”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”in-game-highlight”,”title”:”in-game highlight”,” type”: “taxonomy”}, {“__typename”: “TaxonomyTag”, “slug”: “game-action-tracking”, “title”: “game action tracking”, “type”: “taxonomy”}, { “__typename”: “TaxonomyTag”, “slug”: “vod”, “title”: “vod”, “type”: “taxonomy”}, {“__typename”: “TaxonomyTag”, “slug”: “eclat- feed “,”title”:”Flux Eclat”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”imagen-feed”,”title”:”Image feed” ,”type “:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”fan-duel”,”title”:”Fan Duel”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename “:” TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”international-feed”,”title”:”International Partner Feed”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:” high-speed-play”,”title”:”High-speed playback”,”type”:”taxonomy”}),”thumbnail”:{“__typename”:”Thumbnail”,”templateUrl”:”https://img /mlb-images/image/upload/{formatInstructions}/mlb/j3x5k5mr0uq3jclnygdk”},”title”:”Colton Cowser throws out Kyle Isbel at third base”,”relativeSiteUrl”:”/video/yohan-ramirez- in-play -run-s-to-maikel-garcia-x1910″},{“__typename”:”Markdown”,”content”:”As Cowser discussed his adventurous evening with the media, teammates Jackson Holliday and Gunnar Henderson sat nearby and gave him a hard time, forcing him to repeat what he had done several times.nnBy the end of the night, Cowser had placed the ball safely in the locker Kimbrel. A lesson was learned.nn“Every time I catch the ball and it’s one last out on his part now, he stays in the glove,” Cowser said.nnSunday morning, the ball was still in Kimbrel’s locker. However, it had since been placed in a container of rice in an attempt to dry it out.nnAs for Kimbrel, he was never upset by Cowser’s mistake and thought it was a funny story.n “That’s fine, I don’t mind. We’ll see what the authenticators think when we talk to them here in a moment,” Kimbrel said. “There was a little trouble, I could tell he was a little distraught, and I told him not to worry too much and not to lose any sleep.””,”type”:” text”}), “relativeSiteUrl”: “/news/colton-cowser-lance-craig-kimbrel-s-save-ball-into-fountains”, “contentType”: “news”, “subHeadline”: null, “summary “: KANSAS CITY — Colton Cowser grounded out the final out of the Orioles’ 9-7 victory over the Royals on Saturday night, then lined up at the edge of the left-field warning track and ceremoniously threw the ball back behind I have it right behind me,” said the 24-year-old outfielder.”,”tagline({“formatString”:”none”})”:null,”tags”:({” __typename”:”InternalTag”,”slug”:”storytype-article”,”title”:”Article”,”type”:”article”},{“__typename”:”ContributorTag”,”slug”:”jake- rill”,” title”:”Jake Rill”,”type”:”contributor”},{“__typename”:”TeamTag”,”slug”:”teamid-110″,”title”:”Baltimore Orioles”, “team”:{ “__ref”: “Team: 110”}, “type”: “team”}, {“__typename”: “PersonTag”, “slug”: “playerid-518886”, “title”: “Craig Kimbrel”, “person” “:{“__ref”:”Person:518886″},”type”:”player”},{“__typename”:”PersonTag”,”slug”:”playerid-681297″,”title “:”Colton Cowser” ,”person”:{“__ref”:”Person:681297″},”type”:”player”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”apple-news” ,”title”:”Apple News”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”GameTag”,”gamePk”:746324,”slug”:”gamepk-746324″,”title”:”20 /04/2024 bal@ kc”,”type”:”game”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”offbeat”,”title”:”offset”,”type”:”taxonomy” }),,”type” :”story”,”thumbnail”:”{formatInstructions}/mlb/w2rr2bckokxqmu4k0umm”,”title”:”Colton Cowser throws Craig Kimbrel’s save ball into fountains”}},”Person:518886″:{“__typename”:”Person”,”id”:518886},”Team:110″:{“__typename”:”Team” ,”id”:110},” Person:681297″:{“__typename”:”Person”,”id”:681297}}} window.adobeAnalytics = {“reportingSuiteId”:”mlbglobal08,mlbcom08″,”linkInternalFilters”: “mlb”} window.globalState = { “tracking_title”: “Major League Baseball”, “lang”: “fr”} window.appId = ” /*–>*/

4:40 p.m. UTC

“I have it right behind me,” the 24-year-old outfielder said.

It was at that moment that he understood: he had made a big mistake.

The reason? It was the ball that brought Baltimore closer to Craig Kimbrel’s 422nd career big league save, which tied Billy Wagner for seventh on the AL/NL all-time list.

“Right when I kicked it, I said, ‘Craig made a lot of saves, that one could have been big,’” Cowser said. “I literally told (center fielder Cedric Mullins) every time, ‘I might have missed.’ And it turns out I did. But we got the ball back.

Not without a little treasure hunt.

Shortly after the game, Cowser ran through the tunnel behind the third base dugout at Kauffman Stadium, hoping he could find the ball. It turns out that when he “dumped” it, he threw it into one of the stadium’s iconic fountains.

There were only two balls at the bottom of this fountain, and one of them was so old that it was easy to tell which one was the last out of Saturday’s game. A stadium employee retrieved it for Cowser, who then returned to the visitors’ clubhouse and began drying it with a white towel.

“Apparently the balls sink after two minutes,” Cowser said.

This won’t be something Cowser experiences anytime soon, and he knows it.

“It’s a fine, isn’t it?” » said manager Brandon Hyde jokingly. “We need to do something about this.”

As Cowser discussed his adventurous evening with the media, teammates Jackson Holliday and Gunnar Henderson sat nearby and gave him a hard time, making him repeat what he had done several times.

By the end of the night, Cowser had placed the ball safely in Kimbrel’s locker. A lesson has been learned.

“Every time I catch the ball and it’s his last out, he stays in the glove,” Cowser said.

Sunday morning, the ball was still in Kimbrel’s locker. However, it had since been placed in a container filled with rice in an attempt to dry it out.

As for Kimbrel, he was never upset by Cowser’s mistake and thought it was a funny story.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind. We’ll see what the authenticators think when we talk to them here in a moment,” Kimbrel said. “There was a little bit of pain, I could tell he was a little distraught, and I told him not to worry too much and not to lose any sleep.”

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