
Apple Watch Dials 911, Saves New York Bicyclist’s Life After Horrific Crash

Apple Watch dials 911 and saves New York cyclist's life after horrific accident

Smart watches have helped save many lives.

The Apple Watch has proven to be a lifesaver on several occasions. Many reports have shown how it saved lives by detecting abnormalities in users’ health using sensors measuring heart rate, ECG, etc. In one such recent incident, Apple Watch saved the life of a cyclist in New York after he suffered a horrific cycling accident. The incident occurred last month as Eric Zollinger, a real estate broker, was riding a Citi Bike home from his office in a torrential downpour.

However, the ride took a serious turn when he encountered a hidden pothole submerged under floodwaters. His bike hit a pothole, causing him to fall off his bike onto the sidewalk. Despite injuries to his nose, face and knee, Mr Zollinger stayed at home but then collapsed and passed out in his bathroom where he slammed into the bathtub.

Luckily, his Apple Watch detected the fall, automatically dialed 911, and alerted emergency contacts of his location. Notably, the smartwatch has a built-in fall detection feature, which connects the user to emergency services if it “detects a hard fall.”

“The next thing I remember hearing was ‘911, what’s your emergency?'” Mr. Zollinger said, recounting the incident.

He then went to a local hospital to get an evaluation. Fortunately, scans showed that he had not suffered any fractures and was later released.

Mr Zollinger praised the smart watch’s quick response and credited it with saving his life. “I don’t know how things would have turned out for me if the watch hadn’t alerted me,” he said.

“I feel very lucky and grateful for what happened and how my Apple Watch helped me. It’s a very smart watch. Apple thinks of everything,” Zollinger added.

Smart watches have helped save many lives. Last year, a 42-year-old man in the UK shared how a smartwatch helped him survive a heart attack. According to Express. co. United Kingdom, Paul Wapham, CEO of Hockey Wales, was out for a morning run near his home in the Morriston area of ​​Swansea when he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He managed to contact his wife using his watch, who rushed him to the hospital.

If Apple Watch detects that you have been still for a minute, an emergency call will automatically be made and a message with your location will be sent to your emergency contacts.

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Gn tech

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