
Americans wouldn’t want to live long if it meant having health issues

But a recent survey found that Americans are no longer just looking for ways to live longer: They also want to be healthier.

In a survey of 2,200 U.S. adults, Medtronic and Morning Consult asked participants whether they would rather live a shorter, healthier life or a longer life with health problems. The majority (66%) chose the first solution.

They found that Americans believe the definition of longevity should also take into account whether a person is free of significant health problems in old age.

Perhaps Americans’ view of living to 100 has a lot to do with their expectations of what comes with it.

The results show that 62% agree or partially agree with worrying that they will not be as healthy or suffer if they live longer. More than half think they would be a burden to their loved ones if they lived a long time.

The average life expectancy in the United States is 73.5 years for men and 79.3 years for women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although most of those interviewed According to the new survey, they would prefer to live at least until 90 years old, almost 60% think they will not live that long.

People also worry about not having enough money to live the quality of life they want and being less able to spend time with loved ones in older age, according to the survey.

Yet many people (75%) hope that technological advances will help them live long and be healthy at the same time.

Steps people say they take to increase their life expectancy include eating healthily, exercising, and taking preventative health measures.

Yet less than a third of Americans discuss longevity with their doctor; the main reason they haven’t had these conversations is because they “don’t think it’s necessary.”

If you want to know what steps you can take to increase your chances of living longer, here are five from Dr. Thomas Perls, professor of medicine at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and director of the Centennial Study of the New England school. .

  1. Manage your stress level
  2. Prioritize good sleep
  3. Eat healthy foods
  4. Exercise often
  5. Avoid smoking

“Some people think that the older you get, the sicker you get and that they wouldn’t want to live to that age. And that’s actually very flawed reasoning,” Perls told CNBC Make It in 2022.

“The older you get, the healthier you are.”

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News Source :
Gn Health

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