
A Lake Tahoe community has the most expensive mountain homes in the country

A Lake Tahoe community has the most expensive mountain homes in the country

Straddling the border between northern California and western Nevada in the Sierra Nevada range is Lake Tahoe, about two-thirds of which is in California and one-third in Nevada. The property tax-friendly Nevada side stretches for about 30 miles, which is home to a number of small communities. That includes the Glenbrook area, whose 89413 ZIP code has the most expensive U.S. mountain real estate, ranked by median listing price, according to Realtor.com. (News Corp, which owns the Wall Street Journal, also operates Realtor.com.) Encompassing the largest, segregated gated development of Glenbrook and a half-dozen other smaller neighborhoods, the 89413 ZIP code is elite, coveted and private.

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With a penchant for words, Eleon Smith began writing at an early age. As editor-in-chief of his high school newspaper, he honed his skills telling impactful stories. Smith went on to study journalism at Columbia University, where he graduated top of his class. After interning at the New York Times, Smith landed a role as a news writer. Over the past decade, he has covered major events like presidential elections and natural disasters. His ability to craft compelling narratives that capture the human experience has earned him acclaim. Though writing is his passion, Eleon also enjoys hiking, cooking and reading historical fiction in his free time. With an eye for detail and knack for storytelling, he continues making his mark at the forefront of journalism.
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