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Violence erupts at UCLA as pro-Palestinian protesters, counter-protesters clash

After UCLA declared a pro-Palestinian encampment illegal, a clash between dozens of protesters and counter-protesters led to one person being taken away in an ambulance. The victim’s injuries are unclear.

Law enforcement appeared to walk away after paramedics treated the victim. The Los Angeles Police Department said the University of California Police Department (UCPD) was handling the situation. UCPD said all available officers were handling the incident.

“The Mayor has spoken to Chancellor Block and Chief Choi. The LAPD is immediately responding to Chancellor Block’s request for support on campus,” Mayor Karen Bass’ office said in a statement.

However, hostilities between the two camps do not appear to be hindered by the police.

“Horrific acts of violence took place in the camp this evening, and we immediately called law enforcement for mutual aid,” Vice Chancellor Mary Osako said in a statement. “Firefighters and medical personnel are on scene. We are sickened by this senseless violence and it must stop.”

Mayor Bass later said on X that: “The violence taking place tonight at UCLA is absolutely heinous and inexcusable. The LAPD has arrived on campus.”

Governor Gavin Newsom’s office released a statement saying, “Our office is closely monitoring the situation at @UCLA. Law enforcement officials are in contact this evening and resources are being mobilized.”

Counter-protesters throw fireworks at pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA.


Protesters continued fighting well after 11:30 p.m., throwing fireworks at encampments as melee broke out beyond barriers. One of the melee involved a person swinging what appeared to be a skateboard.

A person on site filmed fireworks being launched on video:

Other spectators filmed some of the clashes:

Counter-protesters also threw traffic cones, a scooter, wooden pallets and what appeared to be smoke bombs at people along the fence leading to the encampment.

Pieces of the makeshift barrier appeared broken, and some protesters carried a metal fence to separate themselves from counterprotesters.

Protesters appeared to push the metal fence surrounding the encampment further into the courtyard to create a buffer between the two groups.

However, people began removing the encampment’s metal fences, moving them away from the area while others attempted to tear down a makeshift wooden fence. Another group of people started fighting along the wooden fence as objects flew above them.

One person at the camp said they were pepper-sprayed amid the chaos.

As of 1 a.m., no officers were seen at the encampment.

What led to the confrontation?

It’s been almost a week since protesters built a tent camp at UCLA, but on Tuesday evening, university leaders declared the camp illegal, ordering everyone to leave or face arrest.

“The established encampment is illegal and violates university policy,” the university wrote. “Law enforcement is prepared to arrest individuals in accordance with applicable law. Non-UCLA individuals are asked to leave the encampment and leave campus immediately.”

The administration also asked students, staff and faculty to leave.

“Those who choose to remain, including students and employees, could face sanctions,” the university wrote. “For students, these sanctions could include disciplinary measures such as interim suspension which, after due process of student conduct, could lead to dismissal.”

Protesters issued a statement saying they would not leave.

“We will not leave. We will stay here until our demands are met. You justify the mistreatment of students in the camp the same way you justify your complicity in the Palestinian genocide,” the protesters wrote in a statement.

They also called on students and “other members” of the community to join their movement.

“The administration wants you to believe that this movement is futile,” they wrote. “While the administration publicly condemns us, they negotiate with us privately because the collective power of students united threatens them.”

The demands include divestment from Israel.

UC President Michael Drake expressed support for UCLA’s decision while saying he respected free speech issues.

“But when this expression blocks students’ ability to learn or express their own views, when it significantly disrupts the operation of the university, or when it threatens the safety of students or anyone else, we must act “, he wrote.

Earlier Tuesday, protesters and Jewish students clashed after the encampment blocked the road to the library in the middle of exams.

“It makes no sense to me that students on our campus can just intimidate you by standing there, putting their arms out and blocking you,” said sophomore Declan Foley. “I don’t have any passionate feelings about this situation at all. I just want to go to class.”

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jack colman

With a penchant for words, jack began writing at an early age. As editor-in-chief of his high school newspaper, he honed his skills telling impactful stories. Smith went on to study journalism at Columbia University, where he graduated top of his class. After interning at the New York Times, jack landed a role as a news writer. Over the past decade, he has covered major events like presidential elections and natural disasters. His ability to craft compelling narratives that capture the human experience has earned him acclaim. Though writing is his passion, jack also enjoys hiking, cooking and reading historical fiction in his free time. With an eye for detail and knack for storytelling, he continues making his mark at the forefront of journalism.
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